About Us

Rangs’ owner Christene Metzakis, has been an active and enthusiastic participant in the boomerang world, both locally and internationally, for many years. Christene is the leading ladies Australian champion, competed in World Boomerang Championships, and serves as Secretary of both the Boomerang Association of Australia and the West Australian Boomerang Association. She knows here product, she knows how to use it, and more importantly, she knows how to make the best boomerangs on the market

Our range of products occupies the full range of prices, from low cost “fun” products to beautifully hand-crafted wooden boomerangs, all of which are guaranteed to return when thrown as directed. While there is a range of skill and strength required to master the various models, making them appealing to adults and older children, none are beyond the capacity of a well-coordinated ten year old. The short range models can even be successfully thrown by a three year old!

Innovation is one of the keynotes of this company and we regularly release new products as well as updating and improving the appearance and presentation of existing models.

The Boomerang Champs

All our boomerangs are designed for the best return-flight performance and easy use. They are manufactured using a state-of-the-art aerodynamic design to make them easy and fun to throw, while still providing the challenge of true sports boomerang performance. The shaping, aerofoils, density and materials used in each model are carefully chosen to achieve peak performance.


Much like people, who come in all shapes and sizes, with different strengths and weaknesses, so do Rangs boomerangs. Our range of models contains every type of boomerang you can imagine, from toy and novelty products to challenging sports models, we make them all, each with its own flight characteristics.

Range of Models

Our vast industry experience and unequalled knowledge and expertise in boomerang design and manufacture, allows us to offer high-quality products at unbeatable prices right across our product range.

Contact us for the best returns in the business.

Value for Money